Following the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, the teenager who died after suffering an allergic reaction to a Pret a Manger baguette in 2016, the government confirmed stronger laws would be implemented to protect those with allergies and give them greater confidence in the food they buy.
In Oct 2021 ‘Natasha’s Law’ came into effect, requiring all prepacked for direct sale food to be labelled with a full list of ingredients, with the 14 allergens required to be declared by food law emphasised on the ingredients list if present.
Watch our first Natasha’s Law webinar where we talk about food safety and the new labelling changes that came in to force in October 2021.
Quest speakers were:
Audrey Deane (Technical Director) – Safer Food Scores Ltd
Marc Warde (Owner | Director) – Niche Free-from Kitchen Ltd
Recipes are created using supplier ingredient data, and the brain behind Kafoodle does all the hard work. It calculates the nutritional values, assigns allergens, generates compliant labels, and even works out per-serving costs allowing the businesses to improve compliance and operational policies, whilst still keeping an eye on costs.
As well as ‘does contain’ allergy warnings, food outlets should also be able to inform customers of any risks of cross-contamination. Kafoodle enables food businesses to track and communicate ‘does contain’ as well as ‘may contain’, allowing customers to make a more informed decision about what they eat depending on their specific sensitivity.
With Kafoodle, in just a few clicks you can choose from a range of templates to create compliant ingredient, allergen and nutrition labels for your pre-packed for direct sale food.
Complete the enquiry form and we will get in touch with how we can support you in creating food labels.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) website has a variety of resources and training available for free.
Introduction to allergen labelling changes (PPDS) | Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Agency food allergy online training
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