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Recipe Management, Meal Planning and Ordering for Care Homes

Optimise your nutritional care by creating meal plans for your residents based on their needs and food preferences. Create meal plans based on required nutritional targets and costs for education and healthcare.

meal planning software

Managing the dietary requirements of individuals within a care home is a challenge

Kitchens can benefit from tools that simplify the process, allowing them to create suitable meal plans to cater for all the needs and requirements of residents; easily communicate those tailored plans across departments or to the individual and their family, and track their costs to stay within budget.

meal and recipe nutrition statistics calculator

Since the start of the pandemic, over 90 care homes have joined Kafoodle

Some of our care home clients

Our solutions for carehomes

Record and refer to resident dietary requirements inc allergens, intolerances and medical conditions.

Minimise allergen risk helping you with food compliance and Natasha’s Law.Recipe & Menu Management

Track meals from order to delivery, and record and monitor resident food and drink.Recipe & Menu Management

Our Care Home clients enjoy the following benefits

Substantial reduction of time spent putting recipes and meal plans together.Traffic light alert system

Visual dashboards, colour-coded nutritional and cost performance targets.

Access to full recipe information on any device at the touch of a button.

Dish cost and specialist diet analysis available e.g. IDDSI levels.

Live allergen and nutritional information and meeting Government targets.

Replacing the requirement for resident allergen and nutritional whiteboards.

Better resource for staff training resulting in decreased onboarding time.

Help promote and communicate healthier eating to residents and their families.

Provide the tools to demonstrate to the CQC what they are doing to be responsive to their residents’ needs.

Request demo

To find out more about how Kafoodle works in a care home environment please contact us for a full demonstration and we will show you how you can connect your kitchen to your residents.

Our partners in this sector