No, you read the title correctly it does say Type 3 Diabetes, the term, along with 'brain diabetes' now being used to describe Alzheimer's disease due to both conditions involving insulin resistance and deficiency.
Eating for brain health is not a new concept, with marketing campaigns often focusing on eating oily fish, rich in Omega-3-fatty-acids which are good for the brain. But there's a new super-food to look out for. Berries.Recent research published in the European Journal of Nutrition found eating one cup of fresh blueberries (or their dried equivalent, given as 24 grams of freeze-dried blueberry powder), showed positive changes in cognitive function in older adults over a placebo. This, in conjunction with findings from a randomized control trial of the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH intervention for neurodegenerative delay) diet which found nutrient-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and berries helpful in the prevention of Alzheimer's, means that diet is showing signs of promise as a preventative medicine in treating those with mind-diseases.At Kafoodle we believe strongly that the future of health is in the food we eat, which is why we have been working hard to develop Kafoodle Meal Planning, our award-winning, government-funded digital meal-planning software for the health and social care sector. Kafoodle Meal Planning allows care-services to create meal plans that meet the needs and requirements of all their patients and residents with clear, visual targets communicating nutritional data and the suitability of the daily and weekly menus to care-providers.
We understand that each individual has their own set of nutritional requirements, not to mention special diets and medical conditions. Keeping track of who can eat what and their daily nutritional intake can seem impossible but is vital for a patient/residents recovery and quality of life.With Kafoodle Meal Planning you can see instantly whether the needs of your patients/residents have been met or exceeded! Be warned of special diets, food allergies and intolerances and make special arrangements to accommodate these requirements.To find out more about Kafoodle Meal Planning click the button below.