Casual Dining Show 2017 was a great success for Kafoodle! We met some fantastic new companies and re-connected with some old friends. We also managed to take home Bronze in the Innovation Challenge for our new labelling feature.Kafoodle’s labelling was developed in December 2016 as a response to new updates in the Food Information Regulations that came into practice. These regulations made it a legal requirement for all pre-packaged food to have the nutritional values displayed in addition to any allergens, implicating the importance of a good labelling system.
We, as a company, identified how difficult this piece of legislation could be for some food businesses and thus created an innovative labelling solution that allows businesses to generate compliant food labels straight from their recipe cards. Saving both time and money!The judges for the award particularly ‘liked the functionality and the money-saving aspects’ and believed it would ‘meet the demands for an increasingly portable food market’.
We feel very honoured to have such a young product recognised and to be already making a difference in the Casual Dining sector. If you would like to find out about our labelling feature and how it could help you or your business, then please do not hesitate to contact us at